Modern people live a stressful life. It is increasingly difficult to maintain defecate unobstructed. Insufficient dietary fibre intake, physical inactivity or being sedentary, irregular eating habit and not drinking enough water contributes to slowed peristalsis and toxin overload which leads to constipation and other problem.
For such constipation problem, natural herbs can be used to regulate the intestines and stomach, enhance gastrointestinal motility, thereby improve constipation problem and lead you to a ‘smooth’ life.
We will assist with the discomfort and conditioning that comes with the infection!
Additional package: The doctor will provide daily dietary advice + acupoint massage advice based on your symptoms and body constitution
以您的健康为优先 |对症下药 · 治标治本
我们擅长辨证论治,以 1 对 1 咨询服务以及针对性的中医养生调理服务为名,调理手法亦灵活多样。无论是中药粉调理、针灸、扶阳罐、拔罐、艾灸、体质茶疗,还是美颜抗老针等,都可多种方法并重,综合调理,平衡阴阳。
健康养生 · 调理身心 · 优质生活 —— 就从这里开始。