【Not Traditional Chinese Medicine】Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Some people get pregnant easily, while others want to get pregnant but can't. Pregnancy itself requires a variety of conditions, including both congenital and acquired factors. Whether your physique is easy or difficult to conceive, or you are a couple preparing for pregnancy, you need to condition your body first to improve your ability to conceive.
Through acupuncture and scientific medicinal powder made from pure natural herbs, women or couples can adjust their physical constitution, improve the fertile environment of the uterus, and enhance the quality of eggs and sperm. When the body has good conditions for pregnancy, the chance of natural conception will naturally increase.
We will assistYou treat and condition your body!
以您的健康为优先|对症下药 · 治标治本
我们擅长辨证论治,以 1 对 1 咨询服务以及针对性的中医养生调理服务为名,调理手法亦灵活多样。无论是中药粉调理、针灸、扶阳罐、拔罐、艾灸、体质茶疗,还是美颜抗老针等,都可多种方法并重,综合调理,平衡阴阳。
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