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The Beauty’s Essential Pack


Not to have pimples pop up again,
but also find out what triggers acne and completely get rid of it.

Acne is an endless trouble or pain. From the perspective of TCM, viscera function disorder, hormonal imbalance and overload toxin will result in producing excess sebum and triggers acne.

Chinese medicine treatment concentrates on addressing the root cause of illness and regulating the function of internal organs. By observing and inspecting the skin condition and body constitution, we figure out the cause that triggers acne. Chinese medicine conditioning methods will be used to regulate visceral functions so as to prevent or avoid recurrence of acne.

We will assist with the discomfort and conditioning that comes with the infection!

Clear dampness and heat, regulate Qi-blood, moisturise the skin and eliminate acene, shore up skin defences, regulate visceral functions, prevent acne from forming, regulate from the internal and harmonize vital energy.
Best For Who
Poor skin condition, pimples that do not go away, popping up pimples, excessive sebum production, never experience pimple-free skin since young
Problem Solving
Improve pimples, acne and skin problem, pay less for long-term health care
Package Includes
Consultation by a TCM physician (initial consultation + follow-up) + 2 weeks of traditional Chinese medicine powder conditioning (1 course of treatment)


Additional package: The doctor will provide daily dietary advice + acupoint massage advice based on your symptoms and body constitution

After placing the order, the TCM team will contact you immediately to arrange a consultation and ship the prescription to you
