Do you have puffy eyes when you get up in the morning? You have a pear-shaped body, turgid limbs, bloated stomach, dull and saggy skin. You try to slim down, but you only lose weight but not belly fat. Then, you are likely to have edema. Edema happens when a fluid imbalance occurs, and an excessive volume of fluid accumulates. Body dampness make you look fat.
Dampness is the contributing factor of many illnesses. If you have been entangled in dampness for a long time, it can lead to causing chronic health problems. To completely eliminate dampness, we need to start with the conditioning on visceral organs. TCM provides appropriate treatment based on syndrome differentiation. This not only allows you to eliminate dampness, reduce swelling, and say goodbye to puffiness, but also treat the roots of dampness and keep your body balance system healthy.
We will assist with the discomfort and conditioning that comes with the infection!
Additional package: The doctor will provide daily dietary advice + acupoint massage advice based on your symptoms and body constitution
以您的健康为优先 |对症下药 · 治标治本
我们擅长辨证论治,以 1 对 1 咨询服务以及针对性的中医养生调理服务为名,调理手法亦灵活多样。无论是中药粉调理、针灸、扶阳罐、拔罐、艾灸、体质茶疗,还是美颜抗老针等,都可多种方法并重,综合调理,平衡阴阳。
健康养生 · 调理身心 · 优质生活 —— 就从这里开始。