- 人体脏腑功能失调时,易出现体内阳气不足、阳虚生里寒的表现。
- 常表现为面色苍白,气息微弱,体倦嗜卧,畏寒肢冷,全身无力或有肢体浮肿等。
- 先天禀赋不足
- 寒湿之邪外侵
- 过食寒凉之品
- 忧思过极
- 久病不愈、房事不节等
- 形体白胖
- 面色淡白无华
- 肢体浮肿
- 怕冷
- 四肢倦怠
- 小便清长
- 大便时稀
- 唇淡口和
- 常自汗出
- 腰脊冷痛
- 少吃或不吃生冷、冰冻食物:食物寒性明显,容易损阳。食用时最好配以温热食物
- 要减少食盐的摄入:阳虚者摄入食盐过多易致肥胖、肿胀、高血压、小便不利。
- 多吃温热之性的食物:食性温热可补肾阳,缓解阳虚之症。
- 选择适当的烹调方式:吃寒性食物时,应选择焖、蒸、煮、炖的方法,可减少寒凉之性。
What is yang-deficiency?
- When human body system dysfunction, it easily causes deficiency of yang qi, leading to occurrence of internal cold.
- Manifested as pale complexion, weak breathing, feeling laziness, cold limbs, body weakness and etc.
What causing yang-deficiency?
- Congenital deficiency
- Invasion of damp-cold
- Over-eating cold food
- Over-thinking
- Prolonged illness
What is the symptoms?
- Plump body
- Pale complexion
- Puffiness of limbs
- Aversion to cold
- Feeling laziness
- Clear and profuse urine
- Sometimes loose stool
- Pale lips
- Spontaneous sweating
- Feeling cold pain at waist and spine
How to improve?
Four main principles in diet:
- Eat less raw and cold food
- Reduce salt intake
- Eat more warm-nature food
- Choosing appropriate cooking method
Recommend Tea Series : Feeling Blue Series
蔬菜类宜忌 |
宜 |
韭菜,蒜,辣椒,香菜,扁豆,姜,茴香,南瓜,洋葱,黄豆芽,山药 |
忌 |
绿豆芽,苦瓜,黄瓜,丝瓜,芹菜,竹笋,苋菜,荠菜,茄子,海带,紫菜,银耳 |
荤腥类宜忌 |
宜 |
羊肉,牛肉,鹿肉,鸡肉,虾仁,鳝鱼,海参,鲍鱼,鲫鱼,带鱼,猪肚,猪肝,火腿 |
忌 |
螃蟹,田螺,鲤鱼,鳗鱼,河蚌,鳊鱼,海蜇皮,蛤蜊,鸭肉 |
水果类宜忌 |
宜 |
黑枣,樱桃,榴莲,荔枝,桂圆,栗子,核桃,腰果,松子仁 |
忌 |
橘子,柚子,香蕉,西瓜,火龙果,柿子,梨,枇杷,甘蔗,甜瓜,荸荠,绿茶 |
中医妇科调理 || 中医针灸调理 || 中医内科调理
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