- 当脏腑功能失调时,易出现体内阴液不足,阴虚生内热的证候
- 常表现为形体消瘦,两颧潮红,手足心热,潮热盗汗,心烦易怒,口干,头发、皮肤干枯,舌干红
- 先天禀赋不足
- 经常熬夜
- 情绪压抑易郁结化火,损耗阴精
- 食物辛燥如辣椒、姜、蒜等助生内火
- 长期服药如利尿药物
- 忧思过度
- 形体消瘦
- 面色潮红
- 口燥咽干
- 心中烦燥
- 手脚心热
- 大便干燥
- 尿黄多喜冷饮
- 保持心情愉悦:心情愉悦可以平疏肝气,促进造血,增强免疫力
- 养成良好的生活习惯:劳逸结合,不天熬夜,作息规律,房事有节
- 平素在工作中,对非原则问题,少与人争,以减少激怒
- 阴虚者会较早缺乏润滑关节的阴液,以致关节涩滞
- 中年以后不宜多做磨损关节,尤其是膝关节的运动,如上下楼梯、登山、跑步等
What is yin deficiency?
- When human body system dysfunction, it easily cause insufficient of body fluid, which leading to occurrence of internal heat.
- Manifested as emaciation, flush cheek, feverish palm and soles, tidal fever, night sweating, irritability, dry mouth, dry hair and skin, dry red tongue and etc.
What causing yin deficiency?
- Congenital deficiency
- Always stay up late
- Emotional depression
- Eating too much spicy food
- Prolonged having diuretic medicine
- Over-thinking
What is the symptoms?
- Emaciation
- Flush cheek
- Dry mouth and throat
- Irritability
- Feverish palm and soles
- Dry stool
- Yellow urination
- Prefer drinking cold drink
How to improve?
Cultivating of the mind:
- Maintain good mood
- Develop good living habits
- Avoid compete with people during work in order to reduce irritation
Not suitable to do exercise that will easily injured joints:
- Avoid doing exercise such as climbing, jogging after middle aged
Recommend Tea Series : Feeling Dry Series
蔬菜类宜忌 |
宜 |
冬瓜,丝瓜,苦瓜,黄瓜,菠菜,藕,银耳,百合,豆腐,绿豆芽,金针菇,芹菜,白萝卜,茄子,西红柿,磨菇,紫菜,海带 |
忌 |
韭菜 |
荤腥类宜忌 |
宜 |
猪肉,鸭肉,螃蟹,鲤鱼,鳗鱼,海蜇皮,蛤蜊,牡蛎,海参,鲍鱼,鸭蛋 |
忌 |
羊肉,虾仁,鳝鱼 |
水果类宜忌 |
宜 |
甘蔗,香蕉,梨,柿子,批杷,柠檬,苹果,桑葚,芒果,菠萝,椰子,荸荠,罗汉果,莲子,菱角,西瓜,石榴,葡萄,薏米,芝麻,黑豆 |
忌 |
杏,桂圆,黑枣,榴莲 |
调味品类宜忌 |
忌 |
葱,姜,蒜,朝天椒,花椒,茴香,桂皮,香菜 |
烹饪宜忌 |
宜 |
炖,煮,烧,煲,蒸,少许调味料 |
忌 |
炒,煎,炸,烤,放许多味精,辛香料 |
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